Ivana Kovaříková & Tesstino Graduate Grade 1

Ivana Kovaříková & Tesstino Graduate Grade 1

Ivana Kovaříková from the Czech Republic graduated in the Straightness Training Academy in Grade 1!

Ivana is a Scholar in the Basic ST Instructor Certification Program and this month, she passed her Riding Grade 1 Touchstone with her horse Tesstino, and with that milestone, she has passed all 5 Touchstones in Grade 1.

Congratulations Ivana, keep up the good work in the Certification Program!

And thanks, Ivana, for taking the time to share your experience with the program:

❝My STory started when I joined Mastery Program in 2017. My then horse Spotty brought me to the Straightness Training program because of his natural asymmetry. We went through all pillars with many Touchstone submits for 2,5 years before our ways parted. I have gained a completely new look at training horses and especially of my skills during that period. The Liberty pillar was quite a challenge for me and Spotty was a great teacher to show me how technical I was.

When I decided to buy an ex-race Thoroughbred, Tesstino, in 2019 I was quite sure there is just one way for us, to continue with ST. I joined the Rising STars in 2020 as a spectator and was more and more drawn to find out how to help Tesstino who was telling me that he was not happy with my approach.

When Marijke with her team opened the Scholars Program in July 2020, I was hesitant at first. In November, I was offered a free trial month in the program. After watching all students in full cycles - participating in Hot Seats, Breakthroughs, and Masterminds - I had made the decision. This train is going fast and I would be a fool to miss it. So I jumped on board in December 2020 and here we are.

The Scholars journey has helped me immensely. At the start, I already knew “It is always me”. But to know does not mean to be able to live it. The self-mastery part of the Scholars program is what I needed in the first place. I needed to change to be able to become a valuable partner for my sensitive horse.

I have attended almost all cycles every month with Tesstino. This has made a regular pattern for us. I have learned to record myself a few times a month, to schedule to be live at the Hot Seat and Breakthrough classes, and to send the Touchstone in at the end of the month. It was tough at the beginning, but it has become part of our routine now.

Many thanks to Academy Coach Carolin Moldenhauer for taking me by the hand through our Grade 1 journey with Tesstino. My biggest insight is “any kind of pressure can be too much for him” regardless of what I think about it.

Thank you to all who are making the Scholars Program and the BCP Program possible. The vision of helping as many people and their horses as possible has come to realization. I am glad and proud to be a part of it.

~ Ivana Kovaříková from the Czech Republic

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Scholars is our monthly coaching program where we coach you live to help you take your Groundwork, Longeing, Work in hand, Liberty, and Riding - from where ever it is - to the next level. Whether you're completely new to Straightness Training or want to prepare yourself for the Basic ST Instructor Certification Program, we're dedicated to helping you get the results you are looking for.

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