6 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
To make your dreams come true, we have to transform our dreams into goals, because:
Dreams are something you are just thinking about. Goals are all about action. Goals turn dreams into reality.
Dreams can go on forever. Goals have a time limit and a finish line. In fact, many people maintain dreams their entire lives without ever reaching them. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.
You need to turn your dreams into action. Setting goals and making plans is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Dreams stretch your imagination. Goals stretch you. They increase your skills, your abilities, and they widen, deepen and broaden your knowledge and experience.
Dreams require your imagination, goals require hard work.
Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change you and change your life.
Always dream big, but make sure your goals are just as big! Because dreams don’t always come true… but goals do…
Here are 6 Steps to turn your Dreams into Reality:
STEP 1: First, set goals, and dedide what you want!
STEP 2: Then create a plan that breaks them down into specific steps, Ask yourself: “What specific actions must I take in order to achieve the outcome or result that I am committed to?”
STEP 3: Commit! Take the steps! Take action! The path to receiving your goal is to take massive, determined action;
STEP 4: Your action turns into results, and check these results, notice what’s working or not. Look at the consequences, learn from them.
STEP 5: If you’re not getting the results you want, change your approach, until you achieve what you want.
STEP 6: And sooner or later you will be living the dream! And then enjoy and feel grateful!
Dream✓ Plan✓ Act✓ Check✓ Change✓ Live the Dream✓